Canyon Hills Worship - You Found Me Lyrics

You Found Me Lyrics

You picked me up where I was at
Lavished me in love again
Held me sweetly in Your hands

Felt a love so pure and gentle
Heard a whisper soft and simple
And in this moment I am safe and sound

You found me
In my weakness
Breathing life into me
You saw me
Through my darkness
And breathed Your life into me

Heart and mind at peace, not war
Because Your love's so perfect and sure
All I know is You are here with me

Mountains and valleys scream Your name
Angelic sounds echoing Your praise
Let Your Spirit erupt in this place

Even when I don’t feel it
Your presence flows in me
Even when I don’t see it
You’re still moving
Even when I don’t hear it
You still speak so fluently
Even when You're still Lord
You are working

You Found Me Video

You Found Me Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration


The song "You Found Me" by Canyon Hills Worship is a powerful worship song that expresses the overwhelming love and faithfulness of God.

Key Messages of the Song

The song "You Found Me" is composed of several verses and a catchy chorus that convey important messages about God's love and presence in our lives. Let's break down the key messages of the song chronologically:

Verse 1:

The first verse of the song begins with the lines "You picked me up where I was at, Lavished me in love again, Held me sweetly in Your hands." These lines highlight God's unconditional love and grace. They emphasize how God meets us where we are, regardless of our circumstances or shortcomings, and showers us with His love and care. It portrays God as a loving Father who holds us close to Him.

Verse 2:

In the second verse, the lyrics state, "Felt a love so pure and gentle, Heard a whisper soft and simple, And in this moment, I am safe and sound." This verse focuses on the intimate connection between the worshipper and God. It describes the experience of feeling God's love, hearing His gentle voice, and finding a sense of safety and security in Him. The lines highlight the peace and comfort that comes from being in God's presence.


The chorus of the song repeats the phrase "You found me" multiple times, emphasizing the theme of God's pursuit and discovery of the worshipper. It emphasizes the idea that God sees us in our weakness and darkness and breathes new life into us. The repetitive nature of the chorus reinforces the importance of this message and allows the listener to reflect on the profound truth of being found by God.

Verse 3:

The third verse shifts the focus to the transformative power of God's love. The lyrics state, "Heart and mind at peace, not war, Because Your love's so perfect and sure, All I know is You are here with me." These lines convey the idea that when we experience God's perfect love, it brings peace to our hearts and minds. It reminds us that God's presence is constant and reassuring, even in the midst of life's challenges.

Verse 4:

The final verse of the song expands the scope of God's love and presence. It describes how creation itself testifies to God's greatness, with mountains and valleys proclaiming His name. The lyrics express the desire for God's Spirit to move in a powerful way and fill the worshippers' hearts and the entire place. It reflects a longing for a deeper encounter with God and a recognition of His sovereignty.

Meaning and Inspiration

The song "You Found Me" carries a deep meaning of personal encounter and relationship with God. It speaks to the experience of feeling lost and broken but being found and loved by God. The lyrics convey a sense of gratitude and awe for God's unconditional love and faithfulness. The song's inspiration likely stems from personal testimonies and experiences of the songwriters, who have encountered God's transformative love in their own lives.

The song captures the essence of God's relentless pursuit of His children and the joy and peace that come from being found by Him. It reminds listeners of the unchanging nature of God's love and His constant presence in their lives. The lyrics serve as a reminder of the hope and assurance found in a relationship with God.

Biblical Analysis

Now, let's critically analyze the song "You Found Me" from a biblical perspective. It is important to ensure that the lyrics align with biblical truth. Here are a few key biblical references that support the messages conveyed in the song:

1. God's Unconditional Love and Grace:

The idea of God's unconditional love and grace is a central theme in the Bible. Romans 5:8 affirms this truth by stating, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." This verse emphasizes that God's love for us is not dependent on our actions or worthiness but is freely given. The lyrics of the song reflect this biblical truth by portraying God as the one who picks us up, lavishes us in love, and holds us in His hands.

2. God's Presence and Peace:

The song emphasizes the experience of God's presence and the peace it brings. In Isaiah 41:10, God assures His people, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." This verse highlights God's promise to be with us and provides comfort and security. The lyrics of the song echo this biblical truth by expressing the sense of safety and soundness found in God's presence.

3. Creation Testifying to God's Greatness:

The song's lyrics mention mountains and valleys proclaiming God's name. This idea aligns with Psalm 19:1, which says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." This verse emphasizes that creation itself testifies to God's greatness and points to His existence. The song captures this biblical truth by acknowledging the majesty of God as reflected in nature.


The song "You Found Me" by Canyon Hills Worship carries powerful messages about God's love, presence, and faithfulness. Its lyrics convey the experience of being found by God, His unconditional love, and the peace that comes from being in His presence. The song's meaning and inspiration likely stem from personal testimonies and encounters with God's love. From a biblical perspective, the song aligns with key truths about God's love, grace, and the testimony of creation. Overall, "You Found Me" is a beautiful worship song that encourages listeners to reflect on the profound truth of being found and loved by God.

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